Got a Horrible Boss? How To Know When to Quit
Feeling like the guys from Office Space? Got a boss who expects you to come in on Saturdays for free? 😩📆
Horrible bosses are like a plague these days. 🦠 At Ford, high level employees get bigger bonuses than the little guy. Over at MillerKnoll, their CEO was caught on camera telling employees to "leave pity city" instead of complaining about not receiving bonuses. 🫢
Spending enough time in a toxic workplace is enough to drive a sane man crazy. 🆘 So when do you know when it's time to jump ship?
Here’s Five Fast Facts on when to quit and why :
👂 Watercooler Whispers - Worried about your company's future? Is your CEO a little unstable? If your Spidey Senses tell you a storm's a-brewin', pay attention. Sure, every place has its highs and lows, but things like layoffs and salary freezes can be red flag's something's up. Read the writing on the wall and plan accordingly.
🪴 Too Big for Your Britches - Like your favorite houseplant, you need room in your job to grow your career. If you've maxed out your opportunities to learn new skills, network, or snag that promotion, consider shopping around. Before you go, make sure to have an honest convo with your supervisor to see if they can honor your development needs. If not, set your sights outside.
☣️ Don't You Know That You're Toxic? - Toxic coworkers and a hostile work environment take a toll on mental, physical, and emotional health. If you're getting insulted by your boss on the regular and your Cubemate-Karen is constantly harassing you, chances are you feel pretty bad. Your wellbeing is worth more than company loyalty. Practice self-care and bounce.
🥀 The Thrill Is Gone - Have the sparks at your job fizzled? Feeling uninspired is a sign it might be time to look for a new gig. You're also less likely to stay engaged when you're not into it, which could negatively impact your performance. It's best to leave on a high note and move on to something that lights you up.
🫠 All Work and No Play - Spend so much time at the office you forget what your kids look like? Do your requests for PTO get denied? Just like toxic environments, a poor work-life balance can lead to mental and physical health problems down the road. Try setting boundaries around how much work you can take on before handing in your pink slip. If you feel like no one's listening, rev up your job search engines.
🔥Bottom line: Even if your workplace swears they're "family" (cringe), if your job's zapping your soul, it's time to go. We know it's tempting, but don't rage apply out of desperation – trust us. Wondering whether or not to put a full two weeks' notice in? Click here!
Do you have a horrible workplace story?
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